Joseph's Story

A baby boy, rocketed to earth from a dying planet.

Found by loving parents and raised in a stable home. Only to discover later in life that he had a huge destiny. Not to mention abilities beyond those of mortal men, the ability to run faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and leap buildings with a single bound.

Sound familiar?

This is the story I wished was mine. This was my fantasy. Even now in my 50’s, my inner geek is still very much alive and kicking. I wanted to be Clark Kent, to grow up on the Kent farm and eventually take my place in the world as a super man.

Instead, like most of us, I have had to battle through my fair share of challenges and difficulties without the help of super strength or x-ray vision. Mine is a story of God’s grace, second chances and superhero’s. I never really set out to write a book, but after writing a series of letters to my kids, was encouraged by them to make them available for others to read as well.

If you get the chance to read it, I hope it encourages you.

Available now at all good bookstores