Crossing life’s busy roads: facing fear with faith

We all know fear, don’t we? That sinking feeling when we’re unsure, overwhelmed, or just plain scared. It might be a tough decision, a new chapter in life, or stepping into the unknown. Or maybe it’s a hesitation to trust again, especially when you’ve been hurt by people so many times before. Fear can feel like a heavy weight that pins us down. But here’s the good news—you don’t have to face it alone.

When our kids were still young, our family visited downtown Melbourne. We were trying to walk across a busy city road together, my wife carrying our baby daughter, while my son stood next to me by the side of the road, waiting for the pedestrian light to let us cross.

After what seemed like ages, the light finally turned green and the traffic stopped—only he refused to move. He was scared of all the noise, the size of the cars, the strange people, and the fast pace of the city. It can be overwhelming for a four-year-old when all you’re used to is the quiet of a slow-paced country town. I reached down and held out my hand for him. He instantly grabbed it, and as soon as he did he became a different person. It was like he could do anything! Without hesitation, he walked out into the waiting traffic with me, hand in hand.

Isn’t that a lot like how God works in our lives? Fear often feels like standing at the edge of a busy road, unsure of how we’ll make it. But God reaches out His hand, saying, “Don’t be afraid, I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10). He doesn’t remove every obstacle, but He promises to guide us through them.

It’s not based on how big or strong we are or how small we feel when faced with difficulty or overwhelming odds. Instead it’s trusting in the person whose hand we hold. Psalms 23:4 reminds us, “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me”.

When I think about my son’s fear, I’m reminded of how fear is often louder in our minds than it is in reality. He just needed the reassurance to know that he wasn’t alone, and neither are you. Whatever fear you’re facing today—God is standing right there, offering His hand to you. You have a choice to make: do you stay paralyzed by the side of the road or do you reach out in faith and take His hand.

One thing I’ve learned is that courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s trusting someone greater than your fear. Just like my son trusted me to guide him, we can trust God to walk with us, step by step. And the best part? He doesn’t just walk alongside us—He equips us with everything we need to keep moving forward.

So, what’s your “busy road” right now? Whatever it is, you don’t have to face it alone. Take God’s hand. Trust Him. He’s got you.


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If this resonates with you, leave a comment below and let me know-what you share may encourage someone else. Also if you haven’t already,  grab your copy of You Are Never Alone. Inside, I share my journey of discovery and faith. My hope is that it will encourage you and give you the strength you need to face past hurts and mistakes. May it serve as a reminder that whatever you may have gone through in life, no one is beyond God’s love and that you are never alone.

2 Responses

  1. Love this Joseph… fear and worry have plagued me my whole life…
    Your writing reminds me of Gods goodness no matter where we are at..
    I loved your book and your honesty cut to the core.
    Keep on with the talent of story telling. It is a balm to my heart ♥️ and to many others ..
    Love to the family x Tania Gav

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